Sunday, October 15, 2006

Can an aspiring film editor learn from Googles purchase of YouTube?

In case you have not heard, last week Google purchased the extremely popular for an astounding $1.6 Billion dollars. No, that is not a typo, I said BBBBillion!!!!!!!!!

The young co-founders of YouTube have made out like bandits on this deal, and so have their 67 employees. This is a truly great story since YouTube was in debt prior to their purchase. You can read the story here.

Now the question is, can up and coming film makers and those considering attending film editing schools take advantage of the extra exposure that Google will give to YouTube?

Some of my thoughts are that a film editing student could upload a short video and get feedback from fellow film editing school students, perhaps even email a professional in the film making business to ask for a critique, or simply post your short film and see what the general audience thinks of it.

The difficult thing about film editing is that everyone will have opinions on how YOU could have done a better job on your film. But, some of this feedback can be very helpful to those who are just starting out too.

As a film editor, you will need to be "thick skinned" since not everyone will like your work. If you are open-minded, and can handle constructive criticism, then I would recommend asking other students for feedback about your latest short.

Feel free to use the comments section of this post as a place to post links to your short film and to ask for feedback from other film editing school students.

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