Thursday, December 21, 2006

Academy of Arts College- A Review

It is well known that California is the hotbed of the film industry. Accordingly, the vast majority of universities in the state have excellent media arts programs; the Academy of Art College in San Francisco is no exception. Their proximity to Los Angeles gives them access to industry professionals from many well-renowned studios and companies such as PIXAR and Lucas Films. Their location has also helped to provide them with high quality professors to teach their various classes.

A rare treat of the film school is that they have a fully equipped movie studio setting to give students an authentic experience. The studio also helps students to actualize the theoretical lessons they have learned in their academic studies. Within this studio, as well as in other campus locales, students have access to a vast array of cameras packages. This includes Aari SR and Aaton packages, super-8, and 16 millimeter hand-cranked Bolex cameras.

Those interested in editing will find this school to be especially beneficial to their career plans. Within this specialization, students can learn nonlinear forms of editing. In fact, there is an entire room devoted to Final Cut systems. Additionally, companies such as LucasFilm, Pixar, and Industrial Light + Magic have provided the film school with the most recent state-of-the art equipment and alerts professors to the new developments in the film making process.

Online opportunities are another unique facet of this particular school. In 2006, the National Association of Schools Art and Design (NASAD) accredited their online program. The online program provides students with the same education that they would receive onsite, but with the convenience of being allowed to take their film classes from home.

Unfortunately, there are drawbacks to the university; the first of which is the actual price. The Academy of Art estimates that the cost for a full year’s expenses will amount to almost $16,000. This price includes tuition and other associated fees.

The other drawback to the school is their lax policy towards admissions. The standards for entering the school are low when compared to other film schools and their requirements for current students are equally below the norm. Students need only to maintain a 2.0 grade point average to remain in good standing. However, in such a noncompetitive environment, the drive to excel in film editing courses falls upon the individual’s shoulders. For those who are adamant on becoming professionals in their field, the Academy of Art will prove to be a good choice.

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Friday, December 08, 2006

Evaluating Emerson University Film Editing School

For aspiring film makers, choosing the proper university for their chosen field can be overwhelming. This is especially true for those interested in film editing since many high profile universities either do not provide film editing as a major or do not provide extensive editing opportunities within their curriculum.

One choice that these students should consider is Emerson University in Boston, Massachusetts. Their film major provides students with a base in the fields of television, film, and video; in addition, this university provides their students with an excellent background in this field by allowing students to specialize in film editing.

The film major begins with introductory classes, which provides students with a foundation in the field of media arts. These classes focus on the history, aesthetics, and theories involved in the visual and media arts. The proceeding level of classes provides students with a basic understanding of their chosen discipline.

For film and television students, the second level of classes will provide students with a broad appreciation of their field. Some of the classes taken at this level might include television and film writing or introductory courses in production.

The third and final level of classes will enhance the production skills learned in the second level. At the third level, students will select their preferred field of specialization; it is here that students are afforded the opportunity to further examine the field of post production techniques.

In film and video editing classes, students receive hands-on training as they work on their own editing assignments. They gain the ability to work with medium- to long-format editing processes. Additionally, students will meticulously examine completed motion pictures to understand the artistic choices of professional editors.

To aid in the editing process, Emerson has provided students with the excellent facilities for post production. The campus is home to flatbed Steenbecks for analog editing and Avid platforms for non-linear digital editing.

Their digital film lab includes the latest software and equipment for film editing, including: five Avid Xpress Pro suites, Final Cut Pro, three Magnasync dubbers, and a dailies screening facility.

While Emerson does not provide internship opportunities for credit, there are biannual career fairs that provide extra-curricular internship opportunities.

Since the campus is in Boston, there are usually a few film or television shoots occurring on a daily basis. Many alumnae recruit students for help on nearby shoots and local production companies employ students every semester.

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