Monday, October 16, 2006

Scorsese frustrated with Hollywood?

I read an interesting story on yahoo about how director Martin Scorsese is going to take a "break" from Hollywood. The story goes on to basically say that the bigger the budget, the less creative freedom the directors have over the film production.

If you try to read between the lines, you might see that it suggests that those with the money to finance the film productions (the studios) are dictating the kinds of movie that can be made and how they are made.

So, if you are in film school now and hoping to have a good deal of creative control over films when you get to be a big time film maker, think again. Perhaps independent films are the way to go?

You can read the whole story here.

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Sunday, October 15, 2006

Can an aspiring film editor learn from Googles purchase of YouTube?

In case you have not heard, last week Google purchased the extremely popular for an astounding $1.6 Billion dollars. No, that is not a typo, I said BBBBillion!!!!!!!!!

The young co-founders of YouTube have made out like bandits on this deal, and so have their 67 employees. This is a truly great story since YouTube was in debt prior to their purchase. You can read the story here.

Now the question is, can up and coming film makers and those considering attending film editing schools take advantage of the extra exposure that Google will give to YouTube?

Some of my thoughts are that a film editing student could upload a short video and get feedback from fellow film editing school students, perhaps even email a professional in the film making business to ask for a critique, or simply post your short film and see what the general audience thinks of it.

The difficult thing about film editing is that everyone will have opinions on how YOU could have done a better job on your film. But, some of this feedback can be very helpful to those who are just starting out too.

As a film editor, you will need to be "thick skinned" since not everyone will like your work. If you are open-minded, and can handle constructive criticism, then I would recommend asking other students for feedback about your latest short.

Feel free to use the comments section of this post as a place to post links to your short film and to ask for feedback from other film editing school students.

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Friday, October 06, 2006

What Do I Do After Film School?

Copyright © 2006, Paul Kyriazi

I get this question a lot and have a serious opinion about it:

The most important thing is to always keep your shingle hanging
out, saying "I am a freelance director." Never say, "Ah I gave
that up." Even if you have other jobs, never tear up your
business card.

Keep contact with all active filmmakers from college. Work on
their films. It's a business of showing up. Show up to shoots, in
any capacity. Show up enough and do a good job, and be an
ambassador of good will, and you have a good chance on being
invited to work on other films. And remember, be courteous and
respectful to everyone. The extra or stunt man of today's shoot
could be the producer of tomorrow's shoot. It happened to me.

One of my swords women fighters from "Weapons of Death" hired me to
do a travelogue in Phuket, Thailand. And actress Barbara Leigh
just hired me to direct her new audio-book "The King, McQueen,
and the Love Machine", and play the part of Elvis.

My life changed when I realized that I was not only in the
feature film business, but in the COMUNICATION business. Just
like the the USA train companys that thought they were only in
the train business and didn't invest in trucks and airplanes in
the 40's and '50s. They were left behind.

So be a sound man, an extra, an actor, a novelist, a speaker, a
film teacher,(but don't get stuck in a dead end job). Be those
as a freelance. But not a stunt man. It's too dangerous.

Yes, you will direct, but be in the communication business. Also
you must start to develop your own projects that you feel
passionate about. You never know when someone with money will
ask you if you have a project. You should be able to instantly give
him or her a script and budget and location plan and schedule.

Keep watching you favorite films over on DVD. Keep reading
books by directors and watching DVD bonus programs and listening to
commentary tracks. This is an incredible teaching device that
will help program your subconscious to keep you on the right

Most important, to repeat, work on everyone's film. Yes, some
will not appreciate your help, some will not pay you what they
promised, but others will.

You must have some kind of short film or video to show someone
when you get an opportunity.

I've directed six features (did post on many more) and still want
to do more. That's why I did "Hard Rock Lovers" as an audio-book
with famous actors. That's why I have it on ebay listed under
those actors. Maybe a producer who is a fan of those actors will
see it, buy it or request it from me, love the story and ask for
a script, which I have waiting. But more than that, I'm still
talking action on it, by getting it to producers via my agent.

Beware, age 26. That's when all my movie friends gave up. Four
years after college. Their wives, girlfriends, or even parents
said, "Well, you gave it a shot, now you have to get a real job."
Yes, get freelance jobs. I always worked and at night I screened
my first feature to buyers and future investors. Always work, but
work freelance to be available for other film jobs.

Most of all, repeating, stay in touch with every active
filmmaker, and make a contribution, whether it's passing on
your used DVDs, helping to write a project, or whatever. You
have to ask, ask the right people, have something to give, and keep
asking other people.

If your interested in directing for the creative expression and
lifestyle, or to do that one great story you have in your heart,
you'll stay in it. However if you only have the dream of fame
fortune and money, it's hard to stay motivated and will seek
other paths for that.

And the best part is that you can't even imagine the surprises
that come when you follow your dreams. I have too many
personal examples to list here, but it's amazing what comes and how it

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Paul Kyriazi - Feature Film Director

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